Citation - New York Evening Post (DeForeest): 1746.11.24

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Index Entry Drum, in lyric on play written as metaphor of current affairs 
Location New York 
24 Nov 1746:21,22 (105)
. . . [10 lines introduction]
Once on a time, as I have heard them say,
A penguin speak could, and did write a play.
This penguin, was no common penguin then,
For he could write, indite, and act the ways of men.
. . . [4 lines]
Once on a time, this bird did write a farce,
For at that time good plays were very scarce.
And he did lash good Gods! How he did lash?
All birds of worth with Scribere cum dash.
. . . [18 lines]
I like good musick, it delights the sence,
Affects, inanimates, when play'd by moods & tence,
Unlike a drum so grating to the ear,
The screetch of eagle, I to that prefer.
. . . [11 more lines]

Generic Title New York Evening Post (DeForeest) 
Date 1746.11.24 
Publisher DeForeest, Henry 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1746 
Bibliography B0025405
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